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Personal Financial Statement Software 2010

Personal Financial Statement Software 2010

Screenshots of Personal Financial Statement Software

Personal Financial Statement Software Publisher's Description

Finally, a comprehensive personal financial statement software application used to calculate net worth with ease by utilizing a financial statement wizard. You will be able to input your assets (cash, securities, real estate, etc.), liabilities (notes payable, mortgages, other liabilities), annual expenditures, and annual income to calculate your net worth. Version 4.6 includes the functionality to input financial information for either personal or joint statements. This software package will allow you to calculate your net worth easily and provide you with a professional financial statement that is accepted by most lending institutions. Version 4.6 includes an updated graphical user interface and increased functionality to make the task of entering/updating a financial statement easier on you the end user. Version 4.6 has been updated to have a secure login with user name and password protection, as well as the print preview and print to PDF functionality. Print to PDF allows the user to email financial statements.

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